Modular , upgradable and Dual purpose Navaratri Golu Steps - Pre-orders

Our Modular and dual purpose Golu/kolu stand if one of a kind innovation that allows to upgrade 5 steps to 7 steps and it can be used as a regular shelf that can hold up to 200 books or can hold utensils in your kitchen. High quality MS tubing and shelves are powder coated to last for years to come. This is very light weight and can be easily assembled with just one tool that is shipped with this product.

Detailed assembly videos will be shared on your WhatsApp number or email id.

Each step is 48 inches (4 feet) wide , 12 inches (1 Feet ) deep and 10 inches height.

Each step can hold up to 40 KG. so you can display classic clay dolls as well.

Free Golu Stand cover is made of 120 GSM non woven for seamless alignment and you have three border options to choose from.

This is probably the best gift that you can give to your loved ones that helps to continue our culture and traditions for generations.

Easy to ship abroad , special packing will be done to ship abroad and shipping arrangements can be done for US, Canada, UK, UAE and Australia.

Golu stand that can upgraded from 5 steps to 7 steps , Dual purpose  stand , free Golu stand cover and free home delivery - if pre-booking is done before the July 30-2024. This is a grand slam offer that you can't afford to miss.